Allison's Book Bag

Six-Word Saturday Meme #4

Posted on: January 26, 2013


The weekend is finally here. Whew!

I thought last week was hectic at school because of report cards. Well, this week, I had to prepare for an observation, attend an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting, plan for the start up third-quarter writing club, and organize a celebration for my fourth-graders who will take their state writing test at the end of the month. The week was productive and at times fun. It also was packed. On top of that, I’ve been sick.

So, I’m relieved for Saturday to come. I want to read, write, and have lots of ME time. Yet I’m also looking forward to hanging out with my husband and our critters. Our cat is already snuggled on my lap. I want a lazy, lazy, lazy day.

What about you? What six words describe your Saturday this week? And what kind of day do you want from this Saturday?

16 Responses to "Six-Word Saturday Meme #4"

I retired from teaching last July after 43 years in the classroom/s and I have never been happier. I honor all teachers.

What grades did you teach? I teach elementary.

Bought arch supports; feet feel great.

Hope you can still say this in a week. 🙂

Busy you! Enjoy your weekend!

Hope you can really enjoy your lazy Saturday! You deserve it! (:>)

Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

Enjoy your me time!

Thanks! I’ve enjoyed reading for hours this weekend without interruption. 🙂

Sounds like your week has been similar to mine. I had to get my laptop at school, since I was at home sick for two days, to write an IEP this weekend.

That would be annoying! Hope you get feeling better soon.

Hope next week is less hectic.

Sometimes life can be more busy than we can keep up with. My husband and I are “retired” but raising three girls….two 12 year olds, and a 13 year old! Our 12 year daughter has an IEP because she has Asperger’s. Time for a meeting, I guess. (hey! that’s 6 words!)

My dad remarried after he retired. He and his wife have spent the last several years raising two children. He’d relate to your post!

Oh my goodness you have been busy!No wonder you want the weekend here!Wishing you a happy weekend!

Some of the fun things I got to do this weekend were design a family newsletter, visit in-laws with my husband, and read a fantasy book. As I write, the weekend is fast disappearing, but my husband and I are still hoping to relax with a movie.

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