Allison's Book Bag

Critter Photo #16

Posted on: August 15, 2016

AwwwMondays-Puppy-AvatarWith our household of critters having expanded to include three cats and a dog, I thought it fitting to join a meme related to pets. After searching around, I came across Awww….. Mondays. The one rule is: “Post a picture that makes you say Awww…. and that’s it.” Every photo seemed to feature a pet and so the meme is a perfect.”

Earlier in the month, I shared how the Cat Trio greeted my husband and me upon returning from our annual vacation. Today it’s our solo dog’s turn to have his story told.

While Andy and I are in Canada, Barnaby gets to have his own vacation. Barnaby stays with the folks and their dog while we’re gone. Their dog used to get jealous. Now that Jazzy’s ability to see, hear, or smell have decreased, his tolerance of Barnaby seems to have increased.

From emails we received in July, Barnaby’s vacation seems to have gone well. He slept in our in-laws’ bed and he practiced tricks. His eating wasn’t great, but they spoiled him with chicken and other treats. Those appeal to him more than the healthy foods and yucky medications that we left for him.

When we get back in town, picking up our solo dog from Andy’s folks is our first priority. We pull into their driveway. We climb up the steps to the second level of their home. We push aside the baby gate, installed to keep the dogs safe. And there Barnaby is!

His tail hesitantly wags. After all this time, is it really us? When certain, he greets us with a slew of slobbery kisses. We pick up what’s left of supplies and then we’re out the door. Barnaby glances between the folks and us. Are we really taking him? I pick him up and carry him to the car. Andy starts the engine. Barnaby snuggles into my lap, but then sits up. Is our normal life about to resume? How is he to know?

I reassure him that an evening at home awaits. Sadly, there are also some concerns ahead. Earlier in the year, his gall bladder had gotten diagnosed as being full of sludge. Our vet prescribed some medication. Just before our vacation, a bubble appeared in Barnaby’s gall bladder. Our vet prescribed some antibiotics. The week after we get back, we took Barnaby to the vet. The bubble was gone and the sludge hadn’t gotten worse. But the sludge hasn’t gone away either. So now we’re trying a motility drug.

Barnaby is our quiet and faithful shadow. Except when playing with Andy or with the cats. Then he runs and barks and has a good time. We’re praying that he gets many healthy years ahead.

Want to start your week off with a smile? Visit Comedy Plus or Burnt Food Dude and see what others are sharing today.

4 Responses to "Critter Photo #16"

oh yes …go away sludge! Snuggles with the pup will help too!

Since going on medication for his gall bladder, Barnaby does seem more active and to eat somewhat better. That makes it hard to know what the next steps should be.

I hope the same too. I hope they can get rid of the sludge. They are indeed so very precious.

A great big Awww, especially for Barney.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday. ☺

Thanks for the visit! I’ll keep everyone posted. 🙂

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